2 |
אֶל־יַ֤ד |
ʾel־yad |
ʾel־yad ʾa·do·nei·hem |
are to the hand of their master, |
6 |
אֶל־יַ֣ד |
ʾel־yad |
ʾel־yad cha·mat |
4 |
אֶל־יַ֣ד |
ʾel־yad |
ʾel־yad de·rekh־chet'lon l'vo־cha·mat |
4 |
אֶל־יַ֪ד |
ʾel־yad |
ʾel־yad g'vir'tahh |
to the hand of her mistress; |
6 |
אֶל־יַ֣ד |
ʾel־yad |
ʾel־yad hash·shaʿar |
7 |
אֶל־יַ֣ד |
ʾel־yad |
ʾel־yad he·gai |
into the hand of Hegai; |
10 |
אֶל־יַ֥ד |
ʾel־yad |
ʾel־yad he·gai |
into the hand of Hegai, |
7 |
אֶל־יַ֥ד |
ʾel־yad |
ʾel־yad he·ge |
into the hand of Hegai |
7 |
אֶל־יַ֧ד |
ʾel־yad |
ʾel־yad shaʿash'gaz |
in the hand of Shaashgaz |